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Our Vision, Mission and Values for 2024+

Our Vision, Mission and Values for 2024+

Enda Rylands26 Jan 2024 - 10:51

Southport RFC Strategy 2024

We are delighted to publish our proposed Vision, Mission and Values for 2024+. They incorporate multi-stakeholder feedback - submitted either through last autumn’s online survey, this month’s Waterloo Road Roadshows or an excellent discussion at this week’s meeting of the Mini & Junior Section Coaches & Managers. We are very grateful for your support

The attached deck:

• provides a few facts & figures in terms of the 127 online survey respondents
• confirms that we are moving forward from a strong base —> well-over 90% of online survey respondents stated that they were either somewhat please, pleased or very pleased with the current direction of the club
• includes a 'Word Cloud’ to confirm which phrases or words resonated the most in response to the following question —> SRFC’s Vision & Mission - what we want to achieve in the next 5 years or so - should primarily be about ensuring the SRFC develops…
• includes another 'Word Cloud’ to confirm which phrases or words resonated the most in response to the following question —> SRFC’s primary Values - those that we should adopt to help us achieve our Vision & Mission - or - the collective way we should do things around here - should be…
• the proposed priorities for community rugby clubs, as published by the Rugby Football Union as part of their ongoing community rugby public consultation
• our proposed Vision, Mission & Values, incorporating your feedback and the RFU’s proposed priorities
• an example objective (with illustrative data) to demonstrate how the Committee and I intend to ‘bring to life’ the ambitions included in our proposed Vision & Mission
• another, final, invitation you to provide us with feedback —> please e-mail our Vice-Chair, Mark Pennifold, detailing (i) what you really like about the proposed Vision, Mission & Values and/or (ii) what concerns you the most about the proposed Vision, Mission & Values

All successful organisations have to know their 'direction of travel' in terms of what they are hoping to achieve (after all, if you don’t know this, how do you know when you’ve got there?!) and what Values they ‘stand for. But, the Committee and I are all very cognoscente of the fact that this process doesn’t end with the publication, by the end of March 2024, of our finalised Vision, Mission & Values. The next step is translate our Vision & Mission ambitions into a set of annual objectives, with clear data-driven measures of success. We commit that this will be the case and that we will update you all accordingly on a regular basis.

In the meantime, however, if any of you have any final thoughts regarding the proposed Vision, Mission & Values, please e-mail before 5pm on Thursday 8th February. Many thanks for your continued support

Enda Rylands
Chair, SRFC


Club Strategy

Further reading